3 minutes
ECOM7122 Blue Ocean Value Innovation
Industry Life Cycle & Porter’s Five Forces
Strategy toolbox
- firm-level analysis
- target segments
- market size, etc.
- industry-level analysis
- competitive advantage analysis
- value chain analysis
Industry life cycle and five forces
- stages of the industry life cycle
- Porter’s five forces analysis of industry profitability
- influence
- overall
- average profitability
- others
- industries in the stages of Maturity and Decline will often seek government intervention or subsidies to help protect the declining industry
- often substitutes using innovation or new technology are the root cause of decline
- blue Ocean Strategy, sometimes called Value Innovation provides a new approach to managing mature or declining industries
- overall
Blue Ocean Strategy
Red oceans vs. blue oceans
- overview
- red oceans
- compete in existing market
- shark-infested water
- cutthroat competition
- limited market share
- pricing cutting and product commoditization
- differentiation or low cost
- blue oceans
- create vast new market
- make competition irrelevant
- create new demand
- convert non-users for growth
- dual advantage through value innovation
- differentiation and low cost
The blue ocean shift
- understand
- get started by understanding where you are now and the current red ocean industry and why it doesn’t work
- uncover
- uncover what limits the size of your industry and discover the vast ocean of noncustomers you could unlock
- reconstruct
- find out how to get there by reconstructing market boundaries and developing blue ocean opportunities
- launch
- select you move, conduct rapid market tests and launch into a blue ocean strategic move
- cases
- the yellow tail wine blue ocean shift
- understand
- Deutsch distributors saw that the US budget wine industry was a red ocean, unprofitable and with many substitutes
- uncover
- market research said that American Coca-Cola and beer drinkers wanted a very different bold fruity flavor in wine for easy-drinking and easy selection
- reconstruct
- Deutsch partnered with Australian winemaker Casella to create yellow tail branding, flavor, marketing and distribution nationwide with Costco in the US
- launch
- the yellow tail launch was wildly successful and in 5 years time, the Australian wine has become the #1 budget wine selling 25 million bottles/year
- understand
- Bird e-scooter blue ocean shift
- understand
- Bird saw that commuter bicycle ownership and city share bicycles still did not solve the first mile/last mile urban transport problem
- uncover
- using his experience at Lyft/Uber, the founder created a gps enabled, QR code mobile payment, dockless e-scooter and mobile app
- reconstruct
- Bird created a new easy-to-ride in work clothing micro-mobility day-time commuter & errand vehicle for dense urban areas with gig “chargers” paid for pickup, charge, placing
- launch
- the Bird e-scooter was wildly popular, reaching 100 cities in the US, Europe and ME and offering more than 10M rides
- understand
- the yellow tail wine blue ocean shift
Value innovation - blue ocean shift
- eliminate
- reduce
- raise
- create new priority feature
- cases
- circus
- wine
- commuter bikes
- circus
Additional Reading
ecom7122 entrepreneurship development and fintech ventures in asia entrepreneurship fintech blue ocean
478 Words
2021-03-30 18:06