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ECOM7122 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Lean Startup
Lean Startup Approach
- definition
- minimum viable product
- schematic diagram
- case - DropBox
- its MVP is online video
- details
- decade old formula
- initiate business plan
- pitch your idea to investors
- assign the process to the right team
- launch
- roll your sales, marketing and profit making process
- hit or miss
- lean startup
- build minimum viable product
- measure
- understand customer feedback
- pivot or persevere
- launch
- sure to hit
The startup founder’s map
- important points
- value propositions, customer segments, and relationships between them are all hypothesis
- we need to convert these hypothesis into facts
- the Lean Startup Approach is a fast, iterative, circular process for startups based on learning, building and measuring your product/service’s value proposition via an MVP
- many success stories like DropBox show the effectiveness of fast experimentation and hypothesis testing vs. other approaches
- the Business Model Canvas starts as “hypotheses” and a living record or startup founder’s map of the “pivots” required over time
ecom7122 entrepreneurship development and fintech ventures in asia entrepreneurship fintech introduction lean startup
157 Words
2021-03-15 09:41