Review and Autoencoder

A qiuck review

  • assumptions underlying PCA
    • is not Gaussian distribution
    • interval-level measurement
    • random sampling
    • linearity
    • large variances have important structure
    • the principal components are orthogonal
  • fraud detection with outliers
    • assume data has N features (N-dimensions)
    • using PCA to find key components
    • identify outliers using the key components
  • the reason of using PCA
    • N-dimensional data are difficult to understand
    • PCA supports dimension reduction
  • PCA
    • is a technique to reduce the dimensionality of data by forming new variables that are linear composites of the original variables


  • definition
    • an autoencoder is a type of artificial neural network used to learn efficient data coding in an unsupervised manner
    • it is an neural network that is trained to recreate as output what it is fed as input
  • characteristics
    • for non-linear situation
    • feed-forward neural network
    • encoder and decoder
    • unsupervised learning
    • reconstruct the input in the output layer
    • code layer is the latent representation
    • with autoencoder, the hidden layers will map the input to a vector space in a “nice” way
    • using fewer neurons in the output layer, we map the input from a high dimensional space to one with few dimensions, i.e. dimension reduction
    • for higher dimensional data, autoencoders are capable of learning a complex representation of the data (manifold) which can be used to describe observations in a lower dimensionality and correspondingly decoded into the original input space
  • applications
    • dimensionality reduction
    • information retrieval
    • anomaly detection
      • fraud detection
      • insider detection
      • intrusion detection
    • image processing
    • drug discovery
    • population synthesis
    • popularity prediction
    • machine translation
  • using reconstruction error to find the fraudulent transactions

    • the dataset has too few fraudulent cases
    • create an autoencoder and train it only on non-fraudulent transactions

      • train the autoencoder with non-fraudulent transactions only
      • after 100 epochs, we have an encoder
      • feed all transactions of the training data set into the trained encoder
      • calculate the error (reconstruction error) between the input and the output

        • reconstruction error

          • autoencoders compress the input into a lower-dimensional projection and then reconstruct the output from this representation
          • reconstruction error is the distance between the original input and its autoencoder reconstruction


    • evaluate the result

      • it is expected that the reconstruction error of the autoencoder is higher for fraudulent transactions than the normal transactions
      • transaction \(t\) is defined to be fraudulent if it falls outside a confidence interval that is d standard deviations from the mean for some parameter \(d: mean + d \times stdev\)
      • if the data is normally distributed
        • if the reconstruction error of a transaction > \(d: mean + 3 \times stdev\), mark the case as fraudulent
      • if the data is not normally distributed
        • by Chebyshev's inequality, the probability of a value falling outside this interval is at most \(\frac{1}{d^2}\)
          • for d = 3, the probability is at most 0.1111
          • for d = 4, the probability is at most 0.0625

A real autoencoder

  • process
    • normalize and scale the data set
    • randomly split into training data set (80%) and testing data set (20%)
    • create the autoencoder: 5 fully connected layers with 29, 14, 7, 14 and 29 (for example) neurons respectively
    • feed the normal data set into the autoencoder model for training
    • check whether the reconstruction error on the training data set converge or not
      • the reconstruction error on the training and testing data sets seems to converge nicely
    • evaluate the performance using the testing data set
  • evaluation
    • metrics
      • \(Recall=\frac{TP}{TP+FN}=TPR\)
        • measures how many relevant results are returned
      • \(Precision=\frac{TP}{TP+FP}\)
        • measures the relevancy of obtained results
      • \(F1=2 \times \frac{Recall \times Precision}{Recall+Precision}\)
      • \(True Positive Rate (TPR)=\frac{TP}{TP+FN}\)
      • \(False Positive Rate (FPR)=\frac{FP}{FP+TN}\)
      • AUC = Area Under ROC Curve
      • good to have both Precision and Recall values equal to 1
      • high recall low precision: classify many fraud transactions, most of them are normal transactions (high false positives, low relevancy)
      • high precision low recall: classify few fraud transactions (with high relevancy), many fraud transactions cannot be found
    • optimal threshold
      • threshold value
        • the boundary between the normal and fraudulent transactions using the autoencoder
      • different threshold value produces different reconstruction error
        • when threshold value increases, reconstruction error increases
      • when threshold value increases, the precision increases and the recall decreases
        • when threshold = 50, the recall is 0.2 and the precision is 0.4
      • comparing different threshold values
        • higher threshold value
          • lower in false classification of normal transaction, but discovery of fewer fraudulent cases
        • lower threshold value
          • more fraudulent cases can be found, but more false classification of normal transaction
    • ROC curve (Receiver Operating Characteristic curve)
      • change the threshold, show the TPR vs FPR
      • a graph showing the performance of a classification model for all classification thresholds
      • lowering the classification threshold classifies more items as positive
        • increasing both False Positives and True Positives
    • Precision-Recall curve
      • a high area under the curve represents both high recall and high precision
        • high precision means to false positive rate
        • high recall means low false negative rate
      • high scores for both precision and recall means the classifier returns accurate results (high precision) and finds majority of all fraudulent transactions (high recall)

Fraud detection using autoencoder and k-NN

  • process
    • using only the encoder part of an autoencoder (dimension reduction)
    • apply k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) for classification to the instances in the reduced dimension space
    • both normal and fraudulent transactions will be used in training
  • example
    • train the encoder with all transaction in the training data set
    • for the k-NN classification, both training and testing transactions will be mapped to the “reduced” 12-dimensional space with the encoder
    • for each transaction in the testing data set, the 3 closest neighboring instances of the training data set decide whether it is a fraudulent transaction or not

Benford's Law (The First Digit Law)


  • content
    • the frequency of occurrence of the leading digits in “naturally occurring” numerical distributions is predictable and nonuniform, but closer to a power-law distribution
    • a given number is six times more likely to start with a 1 than a 9
    • this is counterintuitive, people would expect a uniform distribution
  • characteristics
    • a series of numerical records follows Benford’s Law when they
      • represents magnitudes of events or events, such as populations of cities, flows of water in rivers
      • do not have pre-established minimum or maximum limits
      • are not made up of numbers used as identifiers, such as ID cards, bank accounts, telephone numbers
      • have a mean which is less than the median, and the data is not concentrated around the mean

Benford's law in fraud detection

  • an experiment
    • start with a Benford dataset D
    • D was contaminated by a sample from a normal distribution with the same mean and the same variance of D
    • the data were replaced at random in D by the fraudulent, so that the size of the dataset D’ was kept constant
    • measure the distance (Euclidean distance) of the contaminated dataset D from Benford’s Law
  • observations
    • the figure shows the evolution of the distance from Benford’s Law to the size of the fraudulent sample (% of the size of the dataset D)
    • range of contamination was chosen to be 0-10%
    • an exponential curve was found to be “good” fit, i.e. distance from Benford’s Law increases exponentially as the dataset is more contaminated
      • distance can be used as a measure for fraud detection
      • variance in distance is large, especially for high level of contamination → separating noise from fraud may be difficult
  • mathmatically usage

    • the frequency of occurrence of the leading digit D in naturally occurring numerical distributions following a logarithmically decaying distribution

    \[Pr(D_1 = d) = log_{10}(1+\frac{1}{d})\]

    • result
    • idea
      • if a certain set of values follows Benford’s Law, then model’s for the corresponding predicted values should also follow Benford’s Law
    • for fraud detection
      • manipulated or fraudulent data do not trend to confirm to Benford’s Law, whereas unmanipulated data do
        • Benford’s Law can be used to investigate fraud patterns for datasets in fields where categorical values have been counted, such as medical test results or income tax revenues
    • example 1 - consider financial data
      • assume someone owes a stock with a value of $1,000
      • for his fund to arrive $2,000, it would have to double by growing 100%
      • to further grow from $2,000 to $3,000, it would only need to increase by 50%
      • to further grow from $3,000 to $4,000, i.e. first digit from 3 to 4, it would need to increase by 33.3%
      • therefore, for the first digit from 1 to 2 (100%), it requires more growth than for the first digit from 3 to 4 (33.3%)
      • Benford distribution is a “distribution of distributions”
    • example 2 - Enron Case (splitting the invoice)
      • consider a company where any travel and entertainment expenses over $10,000 must be approved by the vice president
      • employees will split invoice with amount over $10,000 to avoid the “approval”
      • a spike in first-digit frequencies around 5 and 6, clear violation of Bendford’s Law
  • notes

    • Benford’s Law works best for fraud detection when the criminals are unaware of it
    • if the criminals know how the law works, they can fool or cheat it
    • you can use Benford’s Law to flag datasets that might be fraudulent, but you can’t use it to prove the datasets are not fraudulent
  • Chi-square goodness-of-fit test

    • use statistical test to verify that a dataset obeys Benford’s law
    • Chi-square goodness-of-fit test: statistical test to check whether an empirical (observed) distribution differs significantly from a theoretical (expected) distribution
    • a significance level (p-value) is used as the discriminator
      • commonly used p-value: 0.05, means 5% risk of erroneously concluding a differences exists when it does not
      • other p-value: 0.01 or 0.1
    • process
      • find the degree of freedom (df), defined as number of categories (k) minus 1: df = k – 1
        • for Benford’s law, df = 9 – 1 = 8
      • calculate the expected frequency count at each level by multiplying the sample size by the theoretical proportions at each level
      • calculate the chi-square random variable, aka the test statistic
      • refer to the chi-square distribution table for the p-value for df=8
      • if the test statistic is less than the p-value in the table, it is considered as significant, then you cannot reject the hypothesis that the observed and theoretical distributions are the same
        • if the test statistic < 15.51, the p-value is > 0.05, there is no statistically significant difference between the observed dataset and the Benford’s law prediction